Productys Training

Develop your industrial expertise, optimize your performance, and stay competitive with the training provided by Productys.

Votre organisme de formation

Productys possède un certificat Qualiopi n° 350402 depuis 2022 qui garantit notre démarché Qualité en Formation. 
Déclaration d’activité NDA : 52440888344 enregistrée auprès du Préfet de Région des pays de la Loire. 
Cet enregistrement ne vaut pas agrément de l’état. 

Acquire the key skills to excel in the industry through Productys training.

Our comprehensive and specialized training offering will enable you to optimize your performance and remain competitive in the market. Our programs are designed to provide you with the practical knowledge needed to master our industrial solutions, with the goal of enhancing your operational efficiency and improving your results.

With Productys training, you will benefit from a hands-on approach delivered by expert trainers to acquire the essential skills to achieve your industrial goals. Invest in your professional development and open up new opportunities by joining our training programs.

Discover our training programs.

Productys training complements our offering and prepares our customers to independently use our Industrial Solutions. (Trainee satisfaction rate: 90% in the 1st semester of 2022)

Training sessions lasting from 3 to 5 days are provided either at our premises or on-site, with a mix of theoretical and practical components to enable participants to become self-sufficient in maintenance and development. Funding support is available through public financiers. Our training organization is certified under Qualiopi number 350402 and registered under number 52440888344 with the Prefecture of the Pays de la Loire region. This registration does not imply state approval.

Our lead time for accessing training sessions is 3 weeks.

We also offer customized training services tailored to your projects and target audiences. 

Formation utilisateurs
Prendre en main et utiliser 
Productys Explorer

durée 3  jours

Formation admin / expert
Prendre en main et utiliser 
Productys Manager

durée 5  jours 

Join us and be part of the 90% satisfied trainees in 2022! 

customers since 2005
satisfied trainees (2022)

As a training provider contributing to skill development, your training organization aims to provide training for the basic and advanced usage of MES software - Productys Manager.

 Description of the sub-objectives of the training:
- ​Understand all the features of the software and its capabilities
- ​Manipulate views and contextual menus
- ​Configure to know how to use the software in its industrial context

Action carried out in person and in-house.

Duration: 3 days, which is 21 hours OR 5 days, which is 35 hours

Training dates: to be determined

Training hours: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM and 2:00 PM – 5:30 PM.

Location: PRODUCTYS training room - 2 rue de l'étoile du Matin - Ground floor meeting room - 44600 ST NAZAIRE or at the Client's site upon request.

A minimum of 3 weeks from the date of the training request.

Veuillez contacter Mme Stéphanie BESNIER à l’adresse

Anyone working in an industrial role that involves the use of production software.

Our organization can provide you with specific adaptations and/or accommodations if they are necessary to improve your learning experience during this training. If you encounter any difficulties or have specific needs, please contact Stéphanie BESNIER directly at 02 40 22 86 10 in complete confidentiality.

- The person is employed in the industrial sector
- The person has a proficiency in computer tools
- An individual assessment of the trainees is conducted through a questionnaire prior to the training 

Indicators of PRODUCTYS Results 

A satisfaction rate of 90% was confirmed by the trainees in Productys training during the first semester of 2022.

The project of getting to grips with and using our solutions in the customer's industrial context is the common thread running through the teaching resources provided. The structure and each participant are identified prior to training and registration. Each trainee completes an individual questionnaire to assess his or her prior knowledge. Ongoing support from our trainers throughout the course.

Each trainee puts theory into practice with concrete customer data. Training is based on the customer's industrial needs/projects. Numerous practical exercises with validation of acquired knowledge at the end of the course.

A step-by-step assessment of acquired skills is carried out, with validation by the trainers.

L’animateur utilise vidéo projection et micro-ordinateur portable pour projection des apports.

Les participants sont invités à venir avec leur matériel de prises de notes et documents de travail.

Des observations en groupe sont réalisées avec débriefing du formateur.

The presenter uses video projection and a laptop to project the inputs. 
Participants are invited to bring their own note-taking equipment and working documents. 
Group observations are carried out with debriefing by the trainer. Analyses are carried out using the content of existing reference documents.

Un positionnement individuel de chaque stagiaire en amont de la formation par questionnaire.

Un tour de table est effectué en début et en fin de chaque journée avec les participants.

An individual positioning of each trainee prior to the training course by means of a questionnaire.
At the end of the course, trainees are asked to self-assess their level of attainment of the objectives set. 
At the end of the course, trainees complete an individual questionnaire to assess their satisfaction with the course. 
A cold evaluation is carried out with the sponsor, if different.

Un auto-positionnement par le stagiaire de son niveau d’atteinte des objectifs fixés est réalisé à la fin.

Un questionnaire d'évaluation individuel de la satisfaction sur le stage est rédigé par le stagiaire en fin de parcours de formation.

Une évaluation à froid est faite avec le commanditaire si différent .

A certificate of completion is sent to the trainee and/or the employer sponsor and/or the OPCO (depending on the funder designated for the training).

All Productys training courses are subject to a training agreement, as they are delivered to organizations and not to individuals.

All contractual documents are accompanied by the skills development program describing the training action, the training rules and regulations, and a training agreement for quotation containing the terms and conditions of sale.

The information provided and entered in the contractual training documents exchanged between our two organizations is used solely within the framework of our commercial relationship. 

By returning the documents you agree to the use of your information exclusively by Productys for the duration of the training and its upstream and downstream processing. You may at any time exercise your rights under RGPD regulations, by sending me an individualized e-mail specifying your expectations:

See proposal for a custom-made training agreement (excluding VAT).

See prices (FR)

Our trainers

Stéphane CREPET

Director and founder of Productys SAS since 2005, lecturer at PolyTech Angers in MES and ERP for engineering students, Technical Expert at the CCI Nantes-Saint-Nazaire on the Factory of the Future, Director of the EMC2 competitiveness cluster and Chairman of the national Digital group at Symop, member of the FIM, since 2019.


Support/Hotline technician with Productys since 2009, Project Manager since 2017, Windev/Windev Mobile Developer since 2019 and Productys Prodcom and Explorer Solutions Trainer since 2009.


R&D Engineer and Integrator and Trainer for Productys software solutions since 2019.

Ready to get started on your training journey? Contact us now for more information, to discuss your specific needs and reserve your place.