The First MES Extention for Logistics
The Logistys solution, an extension of MES Productys Manager, handles all preparations and packaging for shipping as closely as possible to production.
From the central warehouse to the end customer, it is possible to prepare all your shipments while considering production uncertainties.
How? With complete connectivity to your tools:
- Sensors and Probes
First logistics MES extension
The LOGISTYS solution, an extension of MES PRODUCTYS MANAGER, handles all preparations and packaging for shipping as closely as possible to production.
From the central warehouse to the end customer, it is possible to prepare all your shipments while considering production uncertainties.
Integration with MANAGER
LOGISTYS operates in tandem with PRODUCTYS MANAGER to create a comprehensive system known as the Logistic Execution System (LES). This integration allows for a seamless transition from production to delivery, taking into account real productivity.
Order Management
LOGISTYS enables you to efficiently manage orders. You can track order details, including items to be delivered, associated order preparations, and corresponding delivery routes.
Order Preparations
For each order, LOGISTYS allows you to create order preparations. You can add items to be prepared automatically or manually, ensuring complete traceability.
Delivery Route Management
LOGISTYS makes it easy to create and manage delivery routes. You can define your vehicle's specifications, cargo dimensions, and optimize the arrangement of packages within the vehicle.
Load Optimization
The tool offers a load optimization feature to maximize the use of space within the vehicle. You can visualize and adjust the loading based on your specific requirements.
LOGITSYS, Your Logistic Solution!
LOGISTYS enables you to quickly and efficiently address your company's delivery needs by leveraging real-time data from PRODUCTYS MANAGER. This comprehensive solution ensures optimal coordination between production and logistics, saving you time and reducing delivery costs.